How to Book Domain name in GoDaddy

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How to book a domain name in godaddy

Godaddy is one of the top domain registrar. Apart from domain, this company offers web hosting, SSL, Email services also. Charges are little expensive compared to other service providers. 

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Blue host is one of the best hosting companies which are providing free domain name with web hosting plan. This offer is available only for first year. 

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How to Book Domain name in GoDaddy

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Steps to register a domain name in Godaddy

  1. Check your domain name in the Godaddy portal.

2. Type your desired domain name in the search domain column (Click on Find your perfect domain and type domain name) and click on the search domain name button.

3. If a domain name is available, it will show like below. If you would like to buy, click on Add to card. Button click may lead to cart popup.

4. In the cart page or popup, by default GoDaddy may add the domain to 2 years term. If you wish to buy for 2 years term, click on continue shopping. You can change to 1 year as well, but you will get some discount if you book for 2 years.

5. Click on looks, Good, Keep Going. You may notice Godaddy keep Upselling their products, if you really need them, you can buy them. Otherwise, unselect the items.
Next step ask for adding domain privacy and security. The purpose of privacy is, it will protect showing owner’s information publically. No one can detect the owner of the domain name using the online tool. You can buy this any time also.

6. Select, No, thanks and proceed. Next window, you can see your final cart. From here you can see what are the items godady added while check out process. They may added many items by upselling their products. So delete the items you no more required.

Click on ready to pay. If you dont have account with godaddy, it ask for make account by entering name, email id, mobile number, and address. You can login with facebook or Gmail accounts directly.

Last step is pay the bill using your cards.