Low cost website design

Designing a low-cost basic website can be achieved with careful planning and cost-effective choices. Here are some ideas and cost estimates for creating a basic website, including domain and email, along with annual renewal costs:

There are two ways you can design your website One Design by yourself and another one is designed by a professional. You can save lots of money by design yourself. There are many tools available for design a website without writing a single line of code. Before explaining these tools, we are going to learn the basic costs of website design. These costs are inevitable even though if you design with Do it your self website tools.

Basic Cost for a Website Design

  1. Domain Name:
    • Cost: Domain names typically cost between $15 to $20 per year. You can choose a domain registrar like Namecheap or GoDaddy for affordable options. There are offers available if you book 3 years for one time.
    • Renewal Cost: Renewal costs are usually the same as the initial purchase cost, around $15 to $20 per year.
  2. Web Hosting:
    • Cost: For a basic website, shared hosting is a cost-effective option. Prices vary but can start as low as $3 to $10 per month (or $36 to $120 per year). Popular hosting providers include Bluehost, SiteGround, and HostGator. Some hosting providers are offering free domain name with hosting purchase.
    • Renewal Cost: Hosting renewal costs often remain similar to the initial cost, but keep in mind that some providers may offer promotional rates for the first year.
  3. WordPress CMS:
    • Cost: To keep costs low, consider using free content management systems (CMS) like WordPress is best option. WordPress is one of the top content management system in the world.
    • Renewal Cost: The CMS or website builder software itself is typically free, but you may need to pay for premium themes or plugins, which can range from $20 to $100 or more per year, depending on your needs. Even without premium templates and plugins, you can build beautiful business website.
  4. Design and Development by professionals:
    • Cost: If you have design and development skills, you can create the website yourself for free. Otherwise, consider hiring a freelance web developer or using platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. Costs can vary widely, but for a basic site, you might spend $100 to $500 or more.
    • Renewal Cost: If you hire a developer, ongoing maintenance or updates may incur additional costs.
  5. Email Hosting:
    • Cost: Many hosting providers offer free email hosting along with your hosting plan. However, if you prefer a more professional look, you can use G Suite (now Google Workspace) or Microsoft 365, which start at around $5 to $6 per user per month.
    • Renewal Cost: Email hosting costs are typically billed monthly or annually, depending on your chosen provider. If you are using within the limit of hosting package, there will be no renewal cost involved on it.
  6. SSL Certificate (Optional but Recommended):
    • Cost: SSL certificates provide security and are crucial for any website, even basic ones. Some hosting providers offer free SSL certificates, while others may charge $10 to $50 per year. Blue host and other hosting companies are providing free SSL with hosting. GoDaddy is not offering free SSL.
    • Renewal Cost: If you are using free SSL that offered by the hosting company, there is no renewal charge involved. SSL certificate renewal costs are generally the same as the initial purchase cost. Check the SSL charges and renewal cost before booking a web hosting.
  7. Content and Maintenance (Ongoing):
    • Cost: This will vary based on your needs. If you update content regularly or need ongoing maintenance, consider allocating a budget for this purpose. Costs can range from $20 to $100 or more per month. If your website is built on WordPress, you can manage maintenance also.

Remember that these are general cost estimates, and prices can vary depending on your specific requirements and the providers you choose. Additionally, some providers may offer bundled packages that include domain, hosting, and email services, which could potentially save you money in the long run. It’s essential to research and compare options to find the most cost-effective solution for your basic website.

Low Cost Website design step by step instructions.

Below are the step by step instruction for creating a Low Cost Website. We are going to explain how to build a low cost website using basic hosting and WordPress CMS.

Step1: Choose a Web Hosting that provides free domain and SSL with Basic Hosting:

As mentioned above, Domain, Hosting and SSL are the basic necessities for building a website. at first stage, decide a domain name for your website. Blue hosting is providing free domain name and SSL with hosting package. Basic web hosting package is enough for building a 10 to 15 page website. You can create 2 to 5 email id also in that hosting package. All depends on how you are using the hosting space.

Step2: Install WordPress in Hosting Package

Once you have booked a Hosting package with free domain and SSL along with it, we can install DIY website builder. Here we are going to select WordPress as DIY Website builder.

Step3: Select a theme for your website

WordPress CMS is providing thousands of themes. choose a theme that suits your business needs. We recommend Astra theme. Astra theme is one of the most popular theme in WordPress. Astra theme is very much customizable and come with pre-built designs, which makes website building much easier.

Step4: Import Demo Content

After selecting the right template for your website. Import demo content to the theme. We can replace with your text, image, video, etc. on demo content.

Step5: Replace with your own content

Write your content for the website, including the homepage, about us, and contact pages. Make sure your content is engaging and easy to understand.

Optimize your website
  1. Optimize for SEO: Optimize your website for search engines by including relevant keywords in your content and meta descriptions.
  2. Promote your website: Promote your website on social media and other platforms to attract more visitors.

Remember, the key to making a low-cost website is to keep it simple and avoid unnecessary features or plugins. Focus on providing value to your visitors, and your website will be successful.

Low cost price strategy is one of the marketing strategies used by the companies. This is the strategy which the company uses to enhance the demand. But some customers are not aware of the fake or low quality product selling for a damn cheap price. Website4all is providing an attractive and mobile friendly website for an affordable price.

Product Description:
This is a five-page business website. Pages include – Home page, About us, Services/Products, Contact Us.

We are using the Content Management System (CMS) for designing websites. We design a very attractive website for any kind of business. This low cost website design package is especially for self employed business owners.

Product Description:
This is a 5-10 Business website. This package comes with a Google gsuite email id. WordPress content management system is using for website development.

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